This is the second in the Ruth Galloway mystery series; the first was The Crossing Places, which I read in December. Ruth is an overweight forensic archeologist at a university in Norfolk, specializing in bones and thus is called on for help by police in dating bones that turn up. Three key characters in both books are Ruth, Harry, the brusque policeman she helps, and Cathbad, a cloak-wearing druid. The three unlikely mates are devoted to each other and bring much to bear on their crime-solving tasks. It is these three characters and their interactions that make the book; they are appealing and fun.
The storyline is surprisingly similar to the first in the series, as it also involves missing and dead children. Knowledge of myth and ancient sacrificial rites is key to solving the mysteries. Sounds gruesome, but is nevertheless very entertaining.
Elly Griffiths, The Janus Stone, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011, 337 pages (I listened to the audiobook).